Bergman Pune Edition

Pune Countryside 2023

Organized by:


Dimbhe Dam, Nead Bhimashankar, Pune

What is a Triathlon?

A triathlon is a multiple-stage competition involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance disciplines. While many variations of the sport exist, triathlon, in its most popular form, involves swimming, cycling, and running in immediate succession over various distances.

Cut Off Timings

BERGMAN 113 Triathlon

Swim 1:20Hr | Bike 4:30Hr | Run 3:10Hr

BERGWOMAN 113 Triathlon

Swim 1:20Hr | Bike 4:40Hr | Run 3:30Hr

BERGMAN Olympic Distance Triathlon

Total Time 5:00Hr

BERGWOMAN Olympic Distance Triathlon

Total Time 5:30Hr


Registration Fee Includes:

General rules
  • The Organisers reserve the right to limit and refuse entries.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to remove any participant deemed physically incapable of continuing the race.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to amend the Rules and Regulations without prior notification.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to amend the race course with prior notice to participants.
  • It is the Participant’s responsibility to fully understand the rules and avoid infringements.
  • The entry and bib number is not transferable or refundable under any circumstances.
  • Organizers has right to cancel any offline registration without any prior notice and the amount paid will be refunded back to the participant.
Cancellation Policy/Deferral
  • Cancelled 6 months Before Event 70% Amount will be refunded of what entry fees have paid. Excluding GST.
  • Cancelled 4 Months Before Event 50% Amount Will Be refunded of what entry fees have paid. Excluding GST.
  • Cancelled 3 months Before Event 20 % Amount Will be Refunded of what entry fees have paid. Excluding GST.
  • Cancelled 2 months Before Event no Amount Will be Refunded of what entry fees have paid. Excluding GST.
  • If need Deferral to next year event participant should pay the difference amount of entry fees only then the entry will be confirmed.
(Note :- for Deferrals request participant must inform 2 months / 60 days prior event on if not informed participant will not be entertained.
Weather Disclaimer
  • In the event of inclement weather, the Organisers reserve the right to delay the start of the race, shorten the race or modify the course.
  • Should inclement weather persist after the delay, the Organisers reserve the right to cancel the race without any refund of registration fees.
  • In the event of dangerous open water conditions only, the Organisers reserve the right to replace the swim with a run.
  • The use of banned substances with the intent to improve performance, eliminate the sense of fatigue or for any other purpose is not allowed at any time and doping tests may be performed at random on participants
  • Participants must not refill hydration or nutrition outside the designated aid stations provided by the Organiser
  • Participants must respect rules and be respectful to the volunteers, spectators, and the Organiser throughout the event
  • Participants are not allowed to throw away their waste outside the litter-zones and garbage bins provided throughout the event
  • Participants must refuse any outside help during the race (e.g., support, supplies, technical assistance)

Unless otherwise pre-approved by the Event Director no athlete shall intentionally cause the physical forward progress of another athlete on any part of the course during the Race. The penalty for this will be disqualification.

  • Participants are not allowed to leave all or part of their race equipment outside the Transition Zone
  • Nudity outside the changing tents is not allowed
  • Wearing headphones is not allowed at any time
  • Participants must be familiar with the entire course, and it is their responsibility to follow the correct route
Race Entry Rules
  • The race is open to athletes of all nationalities
  • On-the-day entries will not be accepted
  • Participants must be 18 years old on race day
  • All entries are non-transferable to other participants or to future BERGMAN events
  • No changes between race distances are permitted
  • Participants racing under an assumed name or age or giving false information will be disqualified and risk suspension or expulsion from other BERGMAN events
  • Prior to race day, in the event of inclement weather, force majeure or other hazardous conditions, the Organizers reserve the right to reschedule or cancel the race without any refund of registration fees
  • The Organizers will not be responsible for any disputes arising from incomplete and/or incorrect entry details given by the participants
  • Participants found to have interchanged their timing bib tag with another individual, will be disqualified from the event and shall not be allowed to apply or participate in the subsequent edition of the event.
Athlete Check-in Rules
  • Participants must proceed to check-in during the allocated times and attend the compulsory race briefing.
  • Participants must rack their bicycles during the allocated times. Participants failing to adhere to this rule are prohibited from starting the race.
  • The timing chip must be worn throughout the entire race around the left ankle.
  • In the event that the timing chip is lost or malfunctioning it is the Participant’s responsibility and will be disqualified.
  • Start numbers may not be reduced in size or altered and must be always visible.
Bike Check-in
  • Participants must proceed to check-in their bicycle at the transition area within the designated times only.
  • You must bring your helmet with you to bike check-in for a safety inspection. Note: smart helmets are not allowed.
  • Athletes need to check-in their bike (with bike sticker attached) and rack it in its designated place.
  • During the check-in Participants are allowed to leave their helmets and bike-shoes so long as they are attached to their bicycle (small equipment such as tool box, bike bottles and bento boxes are also permitted). All other gear can be brought race morning.
  • All swimmers are required to wear proper swimming attire during the entire swim course. Swimwear/trisuits should not extend past the elbow or knees
  • All swimmers must wear the swim caps provided by the Organizers
  • Swim goggles may be worn
  • Fins, paddles, pool buoys, snorkels or any other swimming aids are not allowed
  • Wetsuits are allowed to use
  • Support crews are not allowed. Any assistance, other than medical aid received during the swim will result in immediate disqualification
  • No persons other than the participants and officials are permitted in the swim course
  • Swimmers in difficulty shall signal by raising an arm to the escorting boats/canoes for assistance
  • Once assistance is rendered, the competitor must retire from the competition
  • Support vehicles or pacers are not allowed at any time
  • All athletes must obey traffic rules while on the cycling course unless otherwise directed by a race official
  • Wearing of headphones is not allowed at any time
  • Drafting is not allowed at any time (the draft zone is 14 metres from front wheel to front wheel or 7 bike lengths)
  • No bare torso is allowed at any time
  • Support vehicles or pacers are not allowed

Helmets must be worn from the moment the bike is removed from the rack, until after it is replaced after the cycle leg.

  • Runners must always wear their race numbers clearly visible at the front of their adorned apparel
  • Support vehicles or pacers are not allowed
  • Runners must run on the designated path for the entire route
  • No bare torso is allowed at any time
  • Wearing headphones is not allowed at any time

Are You Ready?